Two exciting new Adventure Paths set in the worlds of Kong: Skull Island and Pacific Rim. Compatible with Everyday Heroes. Use this store to get the game if you missed the campaign!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Thank You + What Happens Next?
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Jun 07, 2023 at 07:35:01 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
Give each and every one of yourselves a pat on your back, a fun little victory jig, or whatever it is you do to celebrate because WE DID IT YOU GUYS!!!! With your support and faith in us, our campaign is officially now MORE than funded! Being bestowed with this much support from our community is a wonderful feeling, but I’m sure you all know the Spider-Man quote. It’s not just about getting here. It’s about what we do with it. So, I’m going to let you all know what you’ll get with all the funding that you’ve raised for us, and I’m going to fill you in on what happens from here.
If there’s one thing I know all too well it’s that backers have a familiarity with being left behind once the campaign is over. Those of you who already know me know that’s not my style. Those of you who don’t know me, you’re in for what might be a totally brand new Kickstarter post-campaign experience, and I’m very much looking forward to getting to know all of you. This is a lengthy update, but all the information is important, so please make sure to read it thoroughly. As a dyslexic, I understand that may take some time, but you’ve got lots ^_^ Other updates won’t be as long as this one. This one just needs to be long because it has to cover a LOT of information. Let’s get to it!
What Does Ending Just Shy of $115k Actually Mean?
Before we get to what comes next, let’s do a little recap of what’s happening right now! Since we you helped us get pretty close to $115k in the end, here’s a bulleted list of what we’ll be making for you and what you’ll be getting:
We’re making both the Pacific Rim “Dominion of Iron” and Kong: Skull Island “Isle of the Damned” Cinematic Adventure Paths. You can check out our Kickstarter campaign page for more details on what that actually means, but essentially, we’re going to be getting you guys two lengthy TTRPGs set in the worlds of Kong: Skull Island and Pacific Rim. These TTRPGs will be using our signature d20 Modern system of Everyday Heroes and expanding on that system by entering it into mega monkey mecha fighter realness. The team is still working on these adventures, and we’ll be giving you little sneak peeks throughout the post campaign! Our very own Heather is making you dice bags that she’s embroidering HERSELF, AND we’ve got lots of digital alternatives with discounts for Everyday Heroes and the previously released shorter Kong and Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventures, including Roll20 and Foundry!
Everyone who backed the campaign on the first day and pledged a tier with physical goods will be getting a free Gipsy Danger mini added to their order at no additional cost, for the mini or for the shipping. For reference, that means every backer whose backer number is #849 and lower. Add that excellent mini to your games! All those who didn’t back in time, don’t worry. You can still get the mini by adding it to your order for $15 plus shipping in BackerKit. Note: We’ve got a great deal to make minis, so these minis will also be available to retail backers who backed on the first day. You will receive 10 Gipsy Danger minis for each game in your order, and you will give these minis to the gamers who buy the games from your FLGSs.
In addition to that, we had another giveaway to get the ball rolling. Every sole person who backed the campaign before May 18th and pledged a tier with physical goods will get a free custom Evil Genius Games d20! This die will not be available for purchase in the BackerKit at all. It’s just for those individuals who backed early as our special gift to you. For reference, that means every backer whose backer number is #1036 and lower.Note: As retailers are bulk buying and the die is a bit expensive to make, this is unfortunately not eligible to retail tiers. It’s just for those solo individuals who took that leap of faith.
There was also another special giveaway that we advertised via email! Everyone who backed the campaign in the first HOUR and pledged a tier with physical goods will be getting ANOTHER Pacific Rim mini! For reference, that means every backer whose backer number is #266 and lower.Note: Since these are minis, it’s the same deal. All first hour retailers will also be getting an additional 10 Pacific Rim minis with their orders.
We’re adding some content to the game! We’ll be adding terrifying Rock Bugs to Skull Island as well as the Kaiju Yankbone to the Pacific Rim world. In terms of our campaign, these are amazing additions, and we can’t wait for you to play with them! In terms of the worlds of the actual campaign, your adventures just got that much scarier. But, if you’re like me, you’re reading that, already planning your character stats, and whispering defiantly, “Bring it on.” We’ll also be adding a new character and creature to the game, created by YOU GUYS! The Kongtest submissions are stillopen, and we’ll be taking submissions until 13 June, 2023, so show us your creativity!
Every backer who pledged at a tier of physical goods will be getting additional freebies! The first of which are campaign oriented character folios to keep all your paper stuff together in style. If you backed at a tier with the Kong game, you’ll get the Monarch folio, and if you backed at a tier with the Pacific Rim game, you’ll get the PPDC folio. And great news! If you backed a tier with both games, you get both! Note: Retailers, you will get 10 folios per order, one for each game on your order.
On top of all this, we’ve also got several STL file add-ons for backers interested in the world of Pacific Rim! These files are available to all backers of the campaign, both games, physical and digital. Alessio over at River Horse Games worked with us to get the high definition files from his Kickstarter, and we’re happy that we get to include them in our campaign as well! There are two bundles for $40 each and three individual mini STL files as well for $20 each. Some of you already added these to your order, and we thank you for that! For those who didn’t, you’ll still have a chance to add them in BackerKit.
As many of you may have seen, we had some last minute refunds that pulled us under the necessary $115k for the free dice and fancy dice add-on stretch goal. Normally, this would mean we did not meet that goal, and we wouldn’t be able to actually bring either dice to the game. However, I don’t play that way. I don’t want to punish anyone for needing to pull their pledge for financial reasons, and I also don’t want to punish the backers that can still be here. For that reason, we’re giving you half of the stretch goal anyway. We aren’t able to make the fancy dice add-ons for Kong or Pacific Rim, but we are STILL giving ALL physical backers free plastic dice sets to go with the games in your pledges. We’ve done a redesign and upgrade of those dice that I got to help with personally! The Kong sets will now have the Monarch logo as the 20 on their d20, and the Pacific Rim sets will have the PPDC logo on the 20 of their d20. Check them out below! The distribution of these dice works just like the folios. Kong orders get Kong dice, Pacific Rim orders get Pacific Rim dice, and orders with both get both. We hope that’s a good solution for not actually meeting the goal in the end. We are still getting you all the free dice!Note: As this was an official stretch goal, this absolutely DOES include all retail backers. You guys will get 10 sets of dice per order, one set for each game on your order.
That’s everything that’s coming with your games! So, I know a lot of you are very used to Kickstarter, but some of you aren’t, and you’re probably wondering what happens now that the campaign is over. I can help you out with that too.
What Happens Now?
If this is your first Kickstarter campaign, welcome welcome welcome! The campaign is technically “over” but there’s a lot more in store, and I’ll do my best to keep you as informed as possible along the way.
Charging Cards
As soon as the campaign finished, Kickstarter should have kicked in its automated system to charge all of your cards on file. This will be the card that you either entered manually when backing the pledge or that you’ve got saved on your Kickstarter account. If your card had some sort of error when going through the initial charge, please reach out to me, Maya, at [email protected] so I can help you out. Kickstarter has a few workarounds we can try, and there are a few others too. We’ll make sure to the best of our ability that you will still be involved in the campaign despite the initial payment error.
What the heck is this BackerKit thing you keep going on about?
After campaigns are over, we use Kickstarter to update you on our production, manufacturing, and shipping process as well as tell you fun and interesting things that are going on with our team and company! Managing your pledge and paying for shipping does NOT happen on Kickstarter. We’ll do that by using something we call a pledge manager, and the one we’re using is BackerKit. Evil Genius Games has used them before, and I’ve also used them before on other campaigns I’ve managed, and I can tell you for sure you’re in good hands. In about a month or so, we’ll be sending you an email to complete your order in BackerKit. There, you’ll be able to input your mailing address, pay for the shipping of your order, and add on anything else extra that you’d like to buy (additional games, the Gipsy Danger mini, the Pacific Rim STL mini files, etc). As a reminder, no shipping was charged during this campaign, so everyone who purchased physical goods will need to pay for the shipping of those goods in BackerKit. We’ll be very clear when this is happening! You’ll get an email from us as a backer update reminding you of it AND you’ll get an email from BackerKit directly to the email you used here on Kickstarter. I’ll also in those backer updates post some screenshots on how to fill things out just in case it’s confusing for newcomers.
Update Schedule
Some Kickstarters are notorious for dropping out of contact with their backers once their cards are charged, and my system couldn’t be further from that. Not only will I be online in our Discord server, answering questions and getting up to general nerdy shenanigans with our community there, I’ll also be reading and responding to every single comment you post on the campaign page and every single message you send to the campaign. We’ll be posting a big backer update every month with updates on what the team is working on and what progress we’ve made, and for those who are a little more antsy, I’ll be posting a weekly update in the comments section every Friday evening before the weekend. These comment updates are just supplementary updates for people like me who are antsy with waiting. There won’t be any information in the comment updates that won’t also be in the big email backer updates and vice versa, so you can ignore one and focus on whichever one suits your fancy. We will stick to this schedule, and we will not leave you hanging. In addition, I’ll of course be monitoring my email ([email protected]) for questions there if you need it. We are not abandoning you.
Production and Shipping Schedule
Right now, we don’t have much to the production schedule beyond what we said on the Kickstarter campaign page. We are currently aiming to start shipping physical goods around May 2024, next year. This is just an estimate, but it’s an estimate we will try very hard to meet. I’ve already gotten a few emails asking about digital goods as well, and I can let you all know that although we don’t have an exact date for the release of those, they will be released a little bit before things start shipping. All goods that are digital that have already been released will go out a lot sooner actually! They’ll be released after a chunk of you have filled out your BackerKit profiles, so just be on the lookout for backer updates announcing those releases. We won’t make you wait too long. Everyone’s order will be shipped out together, so you will receive all of the physical goods at once. Once the game starts getting printed, we’ll give you better estimates on when all this shipping will start. Remember, we’ll be posting updates monthly, so we will keep you in the loop as best we can.
Take a Breather and Ask For Help!
Thanks to each and every one of you for reading through that! I know it was a lot, but this first update after the campaign is crucial. The future updates will NOT be as lengthy as this one. Just had to get a lot of stuff out of the way. Again, if you’re confused about your order or just have any general questions, reach out to me via my email! Also, if you’d like to join our community online, you can join our Discord server, where I will also be answering questions, enjoying all of your fan art and mini painting, and posting hilarious pictures of our pets. Please don’t hesitate to reach out, and thank you all again for supporting us!
- Maya, Community Manager
Last Day to Back the Campaign!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Jun 05, 2023 at 01:32:50 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
We’re nearly there now! We’ve got less than a day before the campaign is over, and I just wanted to thank you all who have supported us so far and hopefully get you even more excited about what we’re making by sharing some more insightful words from our writers and designers. Please read on to get a peak into the minds of some of our team!
We Work Hard To Make This [House] Game [A Home] Fun!
As a new member of the Evil Genius Games teams, one of the things I love the most is just how passionate the whole team is about getting you these fun games. It’s not just about simply making a game or a nerdy job to do. Our entire team is fully in it to bring the stories they love to life. So, I reached out to a bunch of them to get their first hand perspective on what they love about making games and what specifically they are excited about in these games you’ve backed! As we enter the final hours of the campaign, I want to show you not only how cool these games are we’re making but also how serious our team is about getting you something fun and enriching that you’ll be able to play many times through. I’ve already shared some of these on our social media, but in case you missed them, here are some great words from our team!
Why do you like making games/doing what you do for games?
“Near the end of the film A Knight’s Tale, Chaucer said, “all human activity lies within the artist’s scope.” Everything in our lives on this planet, from our daily chores and ability to cope with hardship to our wildest adventures and successes, can ultimately be broken down and described in tabletop RPG “game terms” with a little bit of imagination. Perhaps it’s because of this universal ability that tabletop RPGs bring together people from all walks of life, and even if only for a short while, builds communities. Beyond this, they also give us an escape when life just sucks, teach basic math and problem-solving skills to younger players, and provide opportunities for those dealing with other issues to find comradeship. Throughout my life, I have known both successes and failures, but one of my constant guiding stars has been tabletop RPGs. Through these communities, I’ve made lifelong friends, found solace in dark times, and also a hobby that I’ll be engaging with until the day I die. Now that I get the chance to make these games, I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do.” - Michael Bramnik, Producer for “Isle of the Damned”
“I've been gaming since 1996 and so when I had the chance to start doing the graphic design for TTRPGs that I loved, I jumped at the chance! I love making sure that games are not only beautiful, but clear and easy to read!” - Char Irrgang, Graphic Designer for “Isle of the Damned”
“Creating games is something I have a passion for because I love working within a setting / lore base and finding creative ways to give players the ability to immerse themselves into it. The reactions that they have when they face the unexpected make it a joy to watch, especially when they come up with solutions that I never even thought of.” - Ivis K. Flanagan, Lead Writer for “Isle of the Damned”
"I am one of many starry-eyed folks who zoomed through the 'played RPGs for decades, now I write my own stuff' pipeline, and I am all for it! RPGs give you an interactive experience that just cannot be replicated in other mediums. I like telling a story to my friends, and getting their input on how they want to contribute to it, and I love building worlds and people that strangers might interact with one day. I still dream of a day that someone comes up to me at an event and tells me how much they enjoyed something I wrote." - Reyn LeBeau, Adventure Writer for “Isle of the Damned”
“Games and gaming have been a central part of my life since I was a kid. I am a gamer. Having the opportunity to give something to the gaming community that has my own character and thoughts in it is very meaningful and special to me.” - Sigfried Trent, Game Designer for “Isle of the Damned”
“I love making things that people enjoy, but maybe more than that it's a form of self-expression. Ever since my tiny child brain awoke to the understanding that Candyland was predetermined and involved no actual choice, I've been obsessed with the inner workings of games. I've been making my own games, variants, and homebrew content ever since. I even went to school to learn how to make games. I gotta always be creating something, I love to share what I make, and games are something I'm good at creating that are well worth sharing.” - Chris “Goober” Ramsley, Game Designer for “Dominion of Iron”
“I've been a gamer for almost 40 years, professionally for half that time. I know what games did for me growing up, and all I want to do is leave every room (figurative or otherwise) a little happier than when I got there.” - Bryan CP Steele, Producer for “Dominion of Iron”
What's your favorite thing that YOU ARE PERSONALLY contributing to the game you're working on?
“In addition to being a geologist, I am also a trained historian. One of the most paradigm-affirming concepts I ever learned in support of that degree is something called historiography. That is to say, the examination of the who, what, when, etc. of those who wrote historical literature/sources in addition to the subject matter itself. Deep down, the concept behind Isle of the Damned's story is about historiography--who controls the narrative, and who gets to tell the story of those who didn't survive the events depicted in Kong: Skull Island. Being able to orchestrate this and have an amazing team excitedly buy-in is extremely gratifying.” - Michael Bramnik, Producer for “Isle of the Damned”
“As the graphic designer for Isle of the Damned, I love making sure that book will not only beautifully evoke the feeling of Skull Island and all its inhabitants, but also be clear and easy to read and reference while you're playing.” - Char Irrgang, Graphic Designer for “Isle of the Damned”
“Within The Isle of the Damned, I am getting to introduce a research subsystem. The whole gola of this is to give players the ability to learn more about thee flora and fauna of the island, as well as the Iwi who live there, and a few other things. This will help them with information to complete the AP of course, but for players who love lore it will give them a new understanding of the depths to which Skull Island can be understood.” - Ivis K. Flanagan, Lead Writer for “Isle of the Damned”
"I hope you were expecting to fight a Skullcralwer yourselves, because there is going to be a Skullcrawler fight just when you think you're out of the dark. It should make a good finale for the chapter, especially with all the extra monsters and explosives..." - Reyn LeBeau, Adventure Writer for “Isle of the Damned”
“My contribution to Isle of the Damned is in the game system design. I’ve created some mechanics that help make the monsters of the game play well as solo threats and have an epic feeling. You are going to need to respect the power of nature on Skull Island or end up as something’s breakfast.” - Sigfried Trent, Game Designer for “Isle of the Damned”
"In Dominion of Iron, I'm excited to get to write the first chapter of the adventure path. I wrote all of the rules and setting info for our original Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventure, as well as for some of our other Cinematic Adventures, but we've gotten other (great!) authors to write the actual adventures included in those books. It's going to be real fun to stretch some different writing muscles on this one!" - Chris “Goober” Ramsley, Game Designer for “Dominion of Iron”
“I get to wade into the minds of the Precursors, designing a host of new and horrible Kaiju to unleash upon the many game tables across the world. Bwah ha ha!!!” - Bryan CP Steele, Producer for “Dominion of Iron”
Our team is putting their all into making these games something that can come to life for all of you. We’re a group of people who love playing games just as much as you do! It sounds cliche to say, “We’re just like you,” but I think that’s something that makes Evil Genius Games special. We are a bunch of nerds, and we’re getting to do our dream job: make games for other awesome and excellent nerds.
Joining this campaign has been fantastic, and I really am grateful for all of you for supporting us, endorsing us, and wanting to play these games with us! We’re so close to 115k, so please spread the word of the game as well as the passion behind it to your friends and families so we can bring the dice to the game!
And don't forget about the Pacific Rim STL add-ons we've got as well! If you have any questions or issues with your pledge, please reach out to me, Maya, at [email protected] so I can help you. These are our last hours! Let’s do this!
- Maya, Community Manager
Pacific Rim Fun! Mini STL Add-Ons
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 08:13:29 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
I told you we had something fun planned for the Pacific Rim backers too, and now we get to announce it! Sorry for taking a little bit with this. We just wanted to make sure everything was in order first. The good news is that this announcement is VERY exciting, and some of you even requested it in our Discord and our socials! So, read on to see what we’re adding to the campaign, and we hope you like it.
Mini STL Add-ons! Collaboration With River Horse Games
We’re collaborating with River Horse Games to get you some of Alessio’s STLs for more Pacific Rim Minis! This is actually exciting for several reasons. Firstly, I literally had some of you asking me for EXACTLY THESE on Facebook, Instagram, Discord, AND my email! So, to all those who literally asked for it, I told you to wait because I was already planning to do it, but I wasn’t allowed to say anything yet. So, the secret is out! Here they are! A lot of you have also just been asking for a mini bundle in general, so this satisfies that as well. Secondly, all of these minis were not included in our mini stretch goals, so this is actually adding whole new content to our campaign! Alessio has been gracious enough to work with us to get you these STLs, and I really hope you like them! We’ve actually got two bundles of 3 minis each and 3 individual minis as well. Check them out!
The Ajax bundle comes with three files, one for the November Ajax Jaeger, one for the Valor Omega Jaeger, and one for a drone Kaiju. The Guardian Bravo bundle comes with three files as well! There’s one for the Guardian Bravo Jaeger, and then two Kaiju, Raijin and Slattern! The individual options are files for the EPIC Kaiju Knifehead, the Bracer Phoenix Jaeger (who I would not want to fight personally), and my personal favorite, the flipping queen of defying gravity, Saber Athena. Seriously. Why is Saber Athena so cool??
Each bundle is available NOW to be added to your campaign for $40, and each individual for $20! As these are digital files, everyone is able to add them should they want to. You are supporting not only us, but Alessio as an artist and creator as well who worked hard to make these files a reality! Each mini prints to 75mm tall, and you’d get to bring these amazing characters to your game! As a reminder, these are just the STL files, not the minis themselves. But, with the files, you can print as many as you want for personal use. If you don’t have your own 3D printer (because they’re pretty dang expensive, I get it), you can ask a friend or there are even some pretty reasonable 3d printing services these days that can do it for you! We’ve made it to the future, you guys.
A Few Kongtest Updates
Thank you all so much for the submissions you’ve already sent in! I’ve been very politely reminded that I did not include a deadline in my backer update yesterday. I’m so sorry about that! So you all know, the deadline for these submissions is two weeks from when it was announced, also known as June 14th, 2023. If you’re a few hours late, though, I won’t penalize you for it.
The creature submissions we already have are fantastic, so keep them coming! We don’t however have many character submissions, so please also send those in! Don’t be shy! I know it may seem scary, but maybe just think of your dream character that you’d like to play with or save in a blaze of glory when playing your game. Or, someone similar like that. Give it your best shot!
In addition to this, and literally just for fun, I’ve decided that I will also make a crochet plushie of the winning creature. I like crocheting stuff, and as fun as it is to get games manufactured for you guys, it’s more fun to actually make things for you myself. So, whoever wins, I’m making you the thing. Check out our Discord to see some examples of my crochet so you know I won’t be making you something terrible.
That’s all we have for now! We’re in the last days of this campaign here, so please keep spreading the word and supporting us. Really hoping we can get you guys the free dice!!! I’m still here if you have any questions, so just send me an email to [email protected] if you need anything!
- Maya, Community Manager
Kong "Kongtests" + Pacific Rim Fun Coming Soon!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, May 31, 2023 at 01:42:25 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
I want to start off again by thanking you all for this support! The campaign has been really fun, and seeing you all engage with us and share your ideas is such a lovely community experience. Remember, please spread the campaign around so we can get to the stretch goal of $115,000 and bring all these cool dice to the game! There’s less than a week left in the campaign, and we have some pretty fun plans for the home stretch. Check out what we’ve got in store!
Kong Contests!
You guys are creative as all heck, and we love to see what you’re bringing to our game discussions! We’ve come up with two, YES TWO “Kongtests” to get you all more involved in the Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure Path, “Isle of the Damned.” I’d like to encourage you all to participate! Every brain is valid here!
Creature Contest
Skull Island is crawling with all kinds of terrifying beasts, and we’d like to invite you to be part of the story! In this contest, you backers can submit ideas for your very own creature that lives on Skull Island abiding by the following parameters:
The creature should not be taken directly from another IP (a little inspiration is fine)
The creature is required to have a mix of plant and animal traits
You should describe the habitat the creature lives in on the island
Be sure to describe what kind of dangers the creature poses
Give your creature a name
No longer than 450 characters in description
Creatures should be a type of "Florafauna" (a mix of plant and animal traits) that appear in the Kong: Skull Island film, and if you need some help, they’re featured at 16:40 in the official Monarch Declassified files video. The Kong team will judge the entries and the winner's submission will appear in the bestiary! Please submit your entries to the following Google form, and send me an email to [email protected] if you have any clarifying questions!
Character Contest
There’s lots of rad people on Skull Island too! Our second contest is for you to create a human character in the story! Submit ideas for a non-military adventurer or scientist who would be at home on Skull Island, along with a name! For this contest, you must also abide by the following parameters:
The character, in description or name, should not be taken directly from another IP (again, a little inspiration is fine)
Neurodivergence appreciated and welcomed!
Be sure to include your character’s pronouns so we can properly refer to them in the text of the game! Trans and gender queer characters ALSO appreciated and welcomed ^_^
Be sure to describe your character’s strengths and weaknesses
Remember to give your character a name!
No longer than 450 characters in description
The team will judge the entries, and the winner's entry will appear as an NPC in the “Isle of the Damned” Cinematic Adventure Path! But that’s not all. Runner ups may have their submitted names included as people who get epicly eaten by Skull Island's monsters during the course of the adventure as well. Please submit your entries to the following Google form, and don’t hesitate to send me an email to [email protected] if you have any clarifying questions! I’m here to help!
For both contests, if you are selected, we will work with you to further elaborate your idea. All submissions must be from backers only and are subject to approval by the Evil Genius Games and Legendary teams prior to publication.
Pacific Rim Fun Coming Soon!
Backers of Pacific Rim, don’t worry. We’re not leaving you hanging. Although we don’t have any contests for Kaiju or Jaegers, we have heard your many requests for mini bundles both here and on our Discord. I’m not able to give too much away right now, but we are working very hard to get you what you’re asking for. The world of Pacific Rim is stock full of amazing Kaiju and butt kicking back flipping Jaegers, and we want to bring those to you. We’re working on some add-ons we think you’ll like, so please keep an eye out for the email announcement!
That’s all we’ve got for now! Remember to keep spreading the campaign so that we can hit our stretch goal. Bringing dice to the game would be absolutely epic, but we really need your help to do so! I’m still working on redesigning them, and once that’s finished, I’ll post another update. Shout about our game from the top of the Skull Island Volcano! Let’s get those DICE, guys!
- Maya, Community Manager
Stretch Goal Update + FREE FOLIOS AND DICE!
over 1 year ago
– Fri, May 19, 2023 at 08:18:28 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
Have I got a heck of an update for you. We’ve made some changes to the current stretch goal, AND we’re going to announce the new stretch goal. If you couldn’t tell, I’m very excited about this, and I hope you all are too.
We Hit 100k!
It took a little bit, but thanks to your efforts and commitment to the campaign, we finally hit 100k! To reward you all for your hard work, we’ve decided to make that the stretch goal. So, because we’ve hit 100k, THE FOLIOS ARE NOW FREE TO EVERY BACKER WHO BACKED PHYSICAL GOODS!
We’ll be giving each backer the folio that coincides with the game in their pledge. If you backed the physical “Dominion of Iron,” you’ll get 1 PPDC Folio. If you backed the physical “Isle of the Damned,” you’ll get 1 Monarch folio. If you backed the Evil Lieutenant or Evil Shark tiers, you’ll get one of each to match getting one of each game! Retailers will get 5 of each to match the 5 of each games they’re getting as well. And remember, these folios will also still be available in BackerKit as an add-on for $15 to all backers of physical tiers as well, so if you want to enhance the gaming experience for the whole party, you can do that too!
Hitting 100k also means we’re adding those new monsters to the game! We know the campaign has been a little slow and quiet, but that means you guys have supported us and put your foot down about it. With these stretch goal changes, we’re trying to reward you for that. You had faith in us from the beginning, and it deserves to be recognized. So, get ready for all the “rocks that are actually bugs” related nightmares these Rock Bugs are about to bring. Every Bestiary, even the digital ones, will now have Rock Bugs added to the roster! Pacific Rim backers, you have bonuses too! Hop into your Jaeger suit and punch Yankbone in the face, if you dare! Thank you all for supporting us thus far, and we have even more things to give you!
New Stretch Goal - 115k Means FREE DICE and Fancy Dice Add-on
Now that we’ve hit that goal, it’s onto the next! Right now, the game doesn't come with any dice (apart from the free d20 a lot of you guys have), but that’s about to change! If we can get to 115k, we’re adding a set of dice to all the physical games! This set will be 7 plastic dice, similar to your standard rpg dice set, but designed to fit in the world of your games.
Again, these are just being added to all physical games! You don’t have to do a thing to get them apart from back tiers with physical goods. And, help us get to 115k so you can get them of course. In addition to these dice being added to the game, we’re also making an add-on for even fancier dice! We’ve all walked into our FLGS and walked out with far too many dice sets. Here at Evil Genius Games, we bring the FLGS to you! At the next stretch goal, we’ll be adding a fancy metal version of the dice set for Pacific Rim backers and super cool ROCK dice to go with the Skull Island games!
This is honestly my first experience with rock dice, and it’s blowing my mind. And the feel of metal dice in your hands makes you feel like you’re rolling a 20 every time, even if it’s another 1. If you backed the physical games, you’ll be able to add the corresponding dice sets to your orders in BackerKit after the campaign for $15 per set plus shipping. The rock dice are still in development, so we don’t have a ready picture yet, but as soon as we do, I’ll be posting it for you all to see!
Stretch Goal Semi-Reveal
In response to additional feedback about our stretch goals, we’ve decided to reveal a few more of them! A lot of us have done Kickstarters before, but we’re also very much strong believers that you never stop learning. I really loved hearing from you about what you like and don’t like about the campaign. Take a look at the campaign page to get a feel of what we’d like to add to the game!
We really hope you guys are happy with your games and are still excited for the campaign. It means a lot to us to see you all supporting us so diligently. If you have any questions about your pledge or any other questions about the campaign, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can send me an email to [email protected] any time, and I’ll do my best to help or get you the help you need! Thank you all again, and see you soon ^_^