Two exciting new Adventure Paths set in the worlds of Kong: Skull Island and Pacific Rim. Compatible with Everyday Heroes. Use this store to get the game if you missed the campaign!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
March Update! :)
11 months ago
– Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 10:55:19 AM
First, another huge thanks to all of you backers, because without you, we wouldn't be where we are today. We create this content for you and the love of gaming and community! <3
GAMA was great!
Most of the team traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, USA this past week to attend the GAMA Expo. It was a great time and we all got to meet plenty of wonderful retailers who are so excited to get our games in their stores for you all to enjoy! I am humbled that the community is craving our content this much. Often we hear gaming groups talking about how they want a departure from high fantasy RPGs and how we perfectly fit this mold. We want to continue down this path, creating great games for you all and we have a lot in store! All this to say that we are sorry for the lateness of the March update due to travel, but we are back and ready to go!
Legendary Update
Last month we showed you the super sweet looking Kickstarter boxes!!! I got to see them in person at GAMA and they are as cool as they look. I am so excited to get these out to everyone. <3
For those who didn't know, Legendary has had two HUGE releases they have been working on the past few weeks. This has slowed communication between us and them in regard to art. We completely understand as they have a LOT on their plate right now! What this means is that we will have all of the editing for both new books completed and awaiting layout so that by the time we receive the greenlight on art pieces, the process can hopefully be a pretty smooth. :)
On Track?
It would seem that even with the slowed communication with Legendary, we are still on track for a mid 2024 fulfillment! Now, this could change a bit depending on the push and pull of art. Legendary is rightfully stringent with art that they okay for their projects, so we will be working closely to make sure we get everything perfect and okayed by them. I cannot WAIT to have the finished products in my hands, I want them now!!! haha :)
Some Early Digital Releases
Some of you have been asking about receiving digital assets early since we have some products already completed. I would love to start getting these out to everyone as soon as I am able. ***Please note*** Pacific Rim: Dominion of Iron and Kong: Skull Island-Isle of the Damned are completely NEW products and are not completed yet. These are not the digital products that people will receive early or what you may be seeing in stores now. The digital products that are ready are our original Cinematic Adventures, Kong: Skull Island and Pacific Rim. I am working on getting the lists of backers together who need products and will begin releasing these in the coming weeks.
For those of you who do not know, my name is Haley Pillion and I am a little bit of everything here at Evil Genius. My official title is Team Coordinator, but I have my hands in many projects; convention coordination, community management, customer support, assisting operations, junior marketing asset design, the list goes on for a bit. I am always here for questions and to assist you however I can, and if I do not know the answer, I can go find it for you! We have an active discord community and post semi-frequently on our Facebook and Instagram, but if you need more direct help, always email [email protected]. This is the best way to get in touch with me. Cheers everyone and until the next update, stay Legendary!!! :D
February Update: Printer Proofs, Org Play and more...
12 months ago
– Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 10:30:43 AM
Hello Backers,
First of all, I want to thank you for your continued support of Evil Genius Games. We wouldn't be able to do this without the backing of Kickstarter projects such as these. We have been working hard with our printer in China to create some of the items for the game. I'm happy to be able to show a few of them here in this update.
Pacific Rim Collectors Tin
Kong: Skull Island Collector's Box
Pacific Rim: Stretch Goal Minis
Custom Kong and Pacific Rim Die
Late Pledges
For those of you who didn't purchase all of the great products we're making, there is still time to put in a late-order pledge.
Still recruiting volunteers to help organize our org play events across the country. Click here to put your hat into the ring.
December Update: Additional Beautiful Artwork and more...
about 1 year ago
– Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 10:54:25 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
For our January update, I thought we'd focus on artwork from Pacific Rim.
Artwork, Artwork, Artwork
We've been working hard with Legendary to develop all of the beautiful artwork that will go into the books. This month, we'll be focusing on the Dominion of Iron Cinematic Adventure. The Jaeger Codex will be your guide to building custom mechs. As a result, it's important to showcase some of the many options you have available to you. Here is some of that artwork:
Blue Scan Goggles
Drivesuits Variations
Development Update
I'm happy to report that both games have been written and are in the process of editing. Game accessories have been ordered from the printer manufacturing will soon be underway. The tin and wooden boxes look beautiful. We should have photos of the proofs available next update.
Organized Play
We're getting excited about the launch of our organized play program on January 24th. If you haven't already, please sign up to become a staff volunteer or a GM.
December Update: Beautiful Artwork and more...
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 09:34:15 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
I thought I'd drop you a quick line to give you an update on the projects and a few of product releases.
Artwork, Artwork, Artwork
We've been working hard with Legendary to develop all of the beautiful artwork that will go into the books. Focusing on Isle of the Damned, here are a few of the art for the Skull Island Cryptid Codex for the island.
There is always time to preorder this book: CLICK HERE
The Vault has been breached! Get ready to shift your Everyday Heroes game into overdrive! Evil Genius Games has collected a year’s worth of incredible new rules for Everyday Heroes into one amazing compilation. Whether you want to battle gigantic monsters with awesome mechs, live forever as an immortal warrior, tap into the power of ritual magic, play a mutant warrior, mod yourself with cyberware, become a billionaire, or just shoot an incredible array of new weapons, this book is for you!
352-page rulebook
15 New Classes and 10 New Extraordinary Classes! (and 1 Bonus Class)
New: Character origins
21 New Backgrounds, 17 Historical Backgrounds, 10 Extraordinary Backgrounds
41 New Professions, 6 New Extraordinary Professions, and 3 Career Paths
For those of you looking for some major firepower, get ready for The Armory. This weapons-only book gives you the stats for hundreds of firearms and combat weapons. All stats are 5e Compatible and usable across any Everyday Heroes campaign. It will be the most comprehensive weapons resource guide of its kind. Sign up for the waitlist here. Anyone who does will receive a free adventure: Operation Blindknife. This project kicks off on January 9th, 2024.
Go on Special Ops with Military Heroes
For those of you who have ever dreamed of being on a special forces team, this expansion is for you. Build a Navy Seal character and perform a special operation. This gritty combat-style game forces you to track the stuff that matters - ammunition, encumbrance, hunger, and thirst. Deal with historical and modern warfare challenges. This will also be available via Gamefound. Sign up for the waitlist here. Anyone who does will receive a free adventure: Operation Blindknife. This project kicks off on January 9th, 2024.
October Update - Editing Editing Editing + Previously Released PDFs
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 03:42:30 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
Happy Halloween to everyone out there! If any of you are cosplaying any Everyday Heroes characters, PLEASE let me know. Send your pictures and your handle to my email at [email protected], and I’d love to feature you on our social media with your consent. Anyway, let’s get to the update!
All 4 Books Are in Various Stages of Editing!
All four of the books in this campaign, the “Dominion of Iron” Adventure, the “Isle of the Damned” Adventure, the Jaeger Codex, and the Cryptid Codex are all being edited as we speak! To catch you up on all the Friday updates, check out what we’ve been up to:
The Dominion of Iron Adventure Path
The Jaeger Codex went to Legendary Studios to get its canon-happiness pass
Special "Deleted Scenes" PDF started progress!
Art orders continue
Jaegers new to Dominion of Iron/Jaeger Codex were re-named and used in convention adventures at Gamehole Con and people loved them! This is a great way that we playtest.
The Jaeger Codex received the thumbs up from Legendary's canon specialist
Cover images are being finalized and look GREAT so far
As of right now…
Art orders are still progressing, and we’re hoping to have art to show you in the next update!
Both books are in their editing phase. We’re right on time!
The Isle of the Damned Adventure Path
Half of the team got COVID, but they still worked on all their writing. Please give them some "Sympathy Points" (SP) for being troopers!
The Cryptid Codex has been fully approved by the creative team at Legendary Studios, and they love the name!
Development of the Adventure is ongoing
Cryptid Codex art is starting to roll in and game mechanics are through initial editing
Adventure Path development is still ongoing.
As of right now…
With all the approvals of art, we really hope to have art in our next update. We want you guys to get to actually SEE what we’re working on!
Just like with above, we’re on time with both books! Editing is in progress!
So, there’s not much more to update here, but that’s actually quite good! I’m happy to tell you that everything is moving smoothly, and we are still on time for shipment next year.
Since the BackerKit is locked, we’ve had a few issues with the place-holder add-on process. If you received an email from BackerKit stating that your form was incomplete, but then you went to fill it out and saw nothing there, this is a common problem, actually! It’s also super easy to fix. Just send me an email to [email protected] so I can help you. I want to make sure you guys aren’t paying for the same items twice. Send me an email so I can save you some money!
Previously Released Digital Cinematic Adventures Go Out Tomorrow!
A lot of you ordered our two previously released Kong and Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventures, and we appreciate you for doing that! Getting those books will only allow you to expand your campaigns when you get the books from this project as well. The Physical versions of those books will not ship until next year with the rest of your orders, but the Digital versions will be sent to you very soon! Tomorrow actually! Yup, that’s right. All the PDF copies of the Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure and the Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventure will be sent to you through DriveThruRPG tomorrow. We will be using the email you have given us on Kickstarter to send you that, so if the email you use for DriveThruRPG is different from your Kickstarter email, please let me know! Send me an email to my handy dandy, “never to be repeated too many times” email at [email protected] so I can make sure we get you what you paid for. We don’t want these PDFs to get lost in the email void! Please make sure we have the best way to get these to you!
That’s all we have right now! Thank you all for your patience in this process, and a big thank you to everyone who has emailed me so far for help. Let them confirm for you, if you’ve got problems with your order, I’m the one to call! I’m here to keep you informed about our products, keep you excited about our products, and confirm that you get everything you’re excited to play in a timely fashion. Please let me help you if you need it, and see you soon!